Bargate 10th Aug 2014

Will it be worth it after seeing the yucky weather out the window. Beachbuggin cancelled due to severe weather warning issued. Looks like back to bed for many today :)
5 cars at bargate so far. Ment to stop raining by mid day, so thought I'd give it a go, mind you it's hard to stop me going out in the car, even lack of a working starter didn't stop me, got a whizzy new working one on there now.

Saw loads of camper vans in hedge end must have been 20 of them. Not a lot you can do about the weather, at least it's hard ground at Bargate

An early photo of the day
Mark I have found your friend from the other year.
Sun is trying to come out. The rain has gone for the day now. :)
Yay, sunshine, glad we stuck it out, wasn't much rain in the end, dont know what the weather men were on about. Hardly a cloud in the sky, just suddenly vanished, won't take long now to dry the floor.
Met some other interesting characters there too.
Yep you could say that, like the drunk guy after some coppers. Added some variety to the day. lol