Club night 9th November


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Well club night is almost here. Hope everything goes smoothly and you all have a good time. While you are enjoying yourselves think of me in Ireland wanting to be at club night.

Sadly work have asked me to go out to Ireland again to sort something out. It always seems to fall on the wrong Tuesday. :mad2:

I'll be back for bowling night. Let me know how club night goes.
Thats just down right rude of your work to do this to you again but don't worry you will be updated on all the goings on for sure. We always have Saturday night to look forward to :)
Pompey are playing tonight so the traffic may be bad going to club, 19.45 kick off
Great!!!!! Rain and football fans not a good combination. We should go the back way tonight Mum so we don't sit on Eastern Road for like 3 hours again!!!
I agree with you Darren. There was talks of moving it between Gosport and Portsmouth, making an island for it. I cant see the point of grown men chasing after the remains of a pig, and crying when they miss the goal. Just my opinion.
I dont think football should be played on a club night. lol
Yes, your'e right Dan, they were going to put it right where the Worrior the edge of portsmouth Harbour. But that would probably make the traffic even worse! Not to mention spoiling the historic waterline area. Farlington Marshes was also suggested (which made some sense, with direct access from the A27 and railway), but I think even that was opposed.
I have lived at a few locations in Portsmouth and I can tell you, match days are an absolute pain in the a-se for parking and moving about in the city!
Good idea Darren re-a remote island near the poles.....the poles of Mars I reckon !!!
There, that's my fellings about football aired LOL

See you tonight guys and gals (and see you Saturday Dan).

Dont know about anyone else but I really enjoyed club last night !! Great to see so many members there and really enjoyed the quiz. Thankyou also for your kind words and best wishes it means a lot, bring on Saturday, although I wont be bowling, Im sure we will enjoy ourselves. Take care Renegades xx
Glad to hear it all went well and you enjoyed yourself. I hope I'm not sent to Ireland at the next club night.
We will get a petition up Dan if that is the case!!! Don't want to rub it in but you missed a fun filled evening. Lots of happy smiley faces and the quiz was a real big hit (even if they was all boy questions on cars & sci-fi - I am gonna do questions on horses & Barbie next time). I even made my own version of fridge cake so you missed so much.

As Mum already said, a big thank you to all our friends who show they truly care with their loving support & concern during this rough patch. xx
You lot are a load of sci fi geeks i reckon. Well i know my hubby is for sure!!!! Well done though on winning. Toy run sounds good and i liked the poker idea too whatever that involves but its all fun stuff thats the main thing. Bring on Saturday and the bowling!!!
What a great idea the quiz was. Had a good laugh...enjoyed that!
Well...if the next questions are on horses...I'll be on Mark and Summers team :smile:

See ya Saturday folks!

stick with me Will, I started riding horses at the age of 3 and owned my own horse from the age of 8, my dad was a farmer so I know a bit about our four legged friends as does Trace and my steve. Was a good laugh though. The Bandits rule ha ha xx
stick with me Will, I started riding horses at the age of 3 and owned my own horse from the age of 8, my dad was a farmer so I know a bit about our four legged friends as does Trace and my steve. Was a good laugh though. The Bandits rule ha ha xx

Yeah, fair enough Jan, enough said. We'll keep the Bandits together then :laugh: xx
we did come second, and considering none of us new what we were talking about not bad eh lol xxx
well i recon that last nite was the start of something good and was realy nice to see big rob on the scene again, altho there was much less room for the rest of us lol. as we were havin fun i no dan was havin a lot more fun in his yellow gaymobile cruisin wi his arm outta window burnin up the irish tarmac lol
lol, gaymobile.... its a true pimp mobile, will get a photo tommorow.
with flowers on the back lalalala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!