Got myself a new toy, a 3D printer.

Got myself a few colours now. Mostly PLA. some support stuff. Polycarbonate, ABS and TPU.
Sarah made a wreath, so we needed a hood to go on the front door.

Souble side tape may not cut it, and drling a hole isn't a good idea. How about a hook over the door? Well would need to follow the profile carefully. Took some measurements and made this.



Fits perfect, Sarah is well happy she can hang up wth wreath. Without the printer I wouldn't have been able to make this.
Created some Baubles in Solidworks. I like the lok of the spiral effect, made it 3mm square, and spiralled round, then done another colour inside that spiralling the oppersite way.


Its printing now, this is a view from the build in camera.

The white is support. due to the shape and fragile bits it needs scafolding type arrangement that will be snapped off once complete.
Glad its scaffolding.....I thought you were growing Aliens!
Still going. It's the longest print I have done,and 3 colours. Gold, red with sparkle bits and the support. It's printing 0.2mn thick laters, Then changing colours takes as long as the layer print. Hopefully the baubles come out okay, it's kinda of an experiment for something else I have in mind. It's finish time is around 9am Monday.
4 hours on you can see how much it has done

If I was printing 1 colour and no support it would be under 1 hour usually.
Can the support be re used?
Can the support be re used?
No sadly not. Well it could be remelted, but it would need to be into a 1.75mm strand and on a roll. It is a bit wasteful. I usually try to design stuff to avoid the suppots.
If I made the center of the bauble a hollow sphere it would only need little support at the base.
Do they come out in one piece? I was thinking they may be repurposed in an arty way, maybe for flower arranging or sumfink.
Do they come out in one piece? I was thinking they may be repurposed in an arty way, maybe for flower arranging or sumfink.
It sort of crumbles away, very brittle so it falls away from that part you wish to make
However the supports can be printed in regular material if you wanted to keep the bits. When I printed the car it was regular material, was a little tough to separate but it did it's job.


Scanned the dog in. Well just her head, she didn't stay still very well plus it's hard to pick up her fluffy hair.


That's weird!

(Don't give it water after midnight!)
Myself and Dereck like to have a little tipple on club nights. Cant take a bottle of whisky in with us, however can easily smuggle in one of those 25 DRAM bottles I got for xmas. Having a funnel keeps the wife happy that I dont loose any whisky on the worktop.


If funnel keeps swmnbo happy you are doing something wrong lol.🤣 😂😜