Herts Auto Show

Wow what a day. The weather forecast said cloud and overcast but guess what - we had sun sun sun!!
Oh and piccies to follow. My camera didn't work when we got there :( so we took pictures between us on our phones ;)
Yes seen him on telly before, working with an Indian(or similar) cutting up cars and welding to other cars.
Sounds like you had a good time. Did you get the camera working in the end, hope it wasn't anything too major. We will be looking forward to the photos.
Yes it is Bernie - program was called chop shop and yes it was with the Indian guy.

Not sure about the camera as it was fully charged at Hayling island and I can normally get at least three shows out of a charge but it was saying - change battery pack. I have put it on charge now so fingers crossed
It was a great day, love this show. So much variety in the cars, good folk to talk too and beautiful surroundings too! Fantastic, highly recommended.