LS1 Intake Manifolds


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When I have the funds available I will get a a new intake manifold and throttle body. Why? well should get some performance gains.

The standard intake manifold for the LS1 had a 78mm opening for the throttle body. The LS6 intake fits in its place, which had a few minor differences and was totally compatible this was used in 2001 and 2002.

Pictured is the 92mm, mine i so old, they don't even both making the smaller one anymore.

A long time ago i brought an intake manifold made by F.A.S.T. The only one available at the time was 78mm which was fine as it was compatible with the trottle body. It was ported to match the heads. There was performance increases with this, claimed to be 20hp.

Now I have aftermarket heads, and a very lumpy cam, and also bored and stroked. I'm sure this engine would like more air if it could get it.

Found this brilliant write up on LS1Tech,

Think of the car on tick over and you are breathing through a straw, all is okay, not try running. You soon get starved of air. Having more air and a better flow will be far better for the modifications i have. Which one do i choose....
Looking at the flow numbers it between the Fast LSXR 102mm and the MSD 102mm

Now i have read of some fitment issued for the MSD, but was that down to the person installing it? I do like F.A.S.T as my current intake has done very well over the years.

I would need a 102mm throttle body. I don't plan on running a MAF so that can go. So will get a 102mm pipe to then terminate into an air filter, or see what options are available there.

Then there will be a few tuning sessions to dial it in.

Anyway, this should generate some talk.... I'll get a shopping list to post, but it wont be any time soon for the purchase.
Well, that all makes sense. I have heard it said that an engine is basically an air pump lol. I would think your exhaust system can easily deal with the increased air flow from a bigger intake. Then, as you say, you can play with the fuelling to match.
You are simply moving the restriction around. First it’s heads, then exhaust and now intake. Each time one is improved the restriction moves to the next until the limit of the combustion chambers is reached and then it’s either nitrous or forced aspiration. How far do you want to take it?
Maybe it’s time to ditch the LS-1 based engine and replace it with an LSA?
nice blower/ intake manifold in the Summit catalog

Nah, here is what Dan needs to do. Stop all this arsing around and do the job right!
Nah, here is what Dan needs to do. Stop all this arsing around and do the job right!
Looks like a very nice bit of kit. Worth double the value of the car.
nice blower/ intake manifold in the Summit catalog Got the link for Dan so he can drool or hit the buy now function lol
Its been shipped. Should be arriving Tuesday :)
Then the letter lands on door mat for UK tax that's going to hurt..
Going to sell the old parts??
Tax man loves me. I keep wiring them money.

Expectng around £300 tax for this part.

As for the old parts, I'll stick it to the wall. Probably not much value in selling. May do something similar with the old crank, rod and pistons.
Scanned in the engine bay. With this I can hinge the bonet and check for airbox clearance. I'll need to modify/make a new air box with a 4 inch hole instead of 3 inch.

Intake manifold on the left, then throttle body new ones of these are coming from summit.
The blue silicone hose with stainless bands is being replaced, new hose and bands coming from eBay.
The anodised ble part is the MAF sensor. This isn't needed, could totally remove that.
Turn the air lid, need to remake that, could make it flow better, it's a bit square to round. Could elongate that and making it large opening. Loads of ideas. Also a good time to incorporate the temperature sensor that's the wire towards top right. It does work but mis reads as it gets heat soaked if parked for a short time and then start up.

Usually PLA standard stuff melts at around 60c. Ofcouse sitting on the radiator needs to take 100c. Polycarbonate is good for 117c. However PA6-CF is rated for 186c. It's not cheap but ordered a roll of that.
Then the letter lands on door mat for UK tax that's going to hurt..
Going to sell the old parts??
I was right, expected around £300. This is pretty close. :)
Almost here, it's in Southampton due to be delivered this morning.
New throttle body could swallow the old one. lol.

Its all here. :), exciting stuff.
MAP sensor just turned up. This sits at the back of the intake manifoled measures Manifold Air Pressur.

Darren, look another magnet.
not got that magnet , i better place an order lol,,,,
Throttle body outside pipe dimension is 108mm. I can get hold of 102 or 114mm pipe. So it was either grind 3mm all round the inside of the pipe. Or add 3mm all round to the throttle body.
I decided to add, this can be done by printing a plastic collar.

This stuff deforms at 60c. So will be printing it in PA6-CF, good for 186c, has carbon fibre in it.

Nice smooth fit to guide the air in.

I will add a band of gasket sealant to the inside of the collar. It will probably be fine without. You know me, belt and braces approach.