Made a numberplate bracket for a 4th Gen Camaro


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Well alot of you know I should be working on a camaro. Well i did work on a Camaro but it wasn't the 3rd Gen.

Derick is planning on getting his car painted some time, so the stick on numberplate will be going. Ther are 2 screw holes, the threads wern't too good though.

Needed to make something to hold a states Plate and fix to the original to fixings. Using 8mm bolts it fits the thread very well.

Not a profesional job, but it works. Littlem lip at the bottom.


Cleaned it up and gave it some primer

The plate fits great, no photos though. Once the car is painted and the new plates arrived we will see this plate bracket in action.
You not got a tap and die set yet shame on you lol.🤣..
Not working on swmnbo camaro but somebody else's camaro that should be grounds for devorce lol.🤣
Good work but where does it fit? If too low it may catch speed bumps or does it cover the 'Bowtie'?
Good work but where does it fit? If too low it may catch speed bumps or does it cover the 'Bowtie'?
It covers the bow tie. There are two screw holes either side of the bowtie, these there worn out, so popped in some stainless 8 mm bolts. Top of that plate just tucks under the lip.
I should have held it on even for just a photo. I too am looking forward to seeing it with the a new plate on.

get yourself a basic tap and die set or if you want something more ?

once you have it you will be surprised how much you ill use it and it saves you alot of hazzle

get yourself a basic tap and die set or if you want something more ?

once you have it you will be surprised how much you ill use it and it saves you alot of hazzle
I have one. I have it some where safe, that safe place will be known again sometimes soon.
The plastic/rubber bumper was about 2mm thick. So was easy to self tap, probably more resistance and grip as no material has been removed.