Mopar Nationals 2014 - Live Webcam


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At Santapod the Mopar Nationals for 2014 is currently on.

RWYB event for American Muscle Cars only featuring Drag Racing, Show & Shine, Burnout Competition, Cruise, Muscle Car Drift Arena, Live Music, Traders and Camping.
The biggest muscle car door slammer event in Europe. All american classics, trucks, modified & muscle cars plus american car clubs are welcome.

Well if you cant make it up there this weekend then you can watch it on this live webcam :)
\/ webcam in the post below.... \/
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Thanks Dan I know who gave you this idea :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: wonder if they do iplayer ??? then can watch it when i get home and see where i went wrong :whistle:
I looked for a way to record it. Even doing a screen capture of the computer screen for the day, but I don't have the software for it :( good luck with the racing Darren, what sort of times are you expecting?