NASC Street Rod Nationals August 27th-30th

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Sounds like you had a superb time there.
sorry i couldn't make it, spent most of my weekend up in the loft preparing and packing lights.
Have got a big one for Petes van, a light that is, I'll bring it down tonight.
Are you sure it was the lights you were playing with up in the loft and not just drooling over your nos!!! You missed a brilliant weekend Dan and we will try not to go on about it too much tonight. Took loads of piccies so will try and upload some later.
Hi Renegades

Soz its a bit late ive been on planet pompey so only just returned too planet superb! Firstly i must say a big thank you to Mummy Jan and Steve for taking me to the Nats in White Lightening there day van it woz Superb! They really looked after me with sarnies on the way up and lending me a tent which nearly blew away. Oh my god!!!! when i got there i thought i woz in Hot Rod heaven. There were cars everywhere and quite a few i had not seen before, we caused quite a sensation when we unloaded our custom push bikes, i dont think they will forget us. We made friends with Wade the owner of Sick Boyz Custom bike shop who loved our bikes. They loved them so much Damien ended up doing a photo shoot with his and we got to follow them into the show arena on our bikes mixing it up with all these show bikes and got a mention for the Renegades. I dont think they will forget us in the Barn either what with walking around with empty beer can boxes on our heads.I would like to thank the rest of the Renegades for a blinding weekend, best fun you can have with yer clothes on! Pete + Sue, Aimee+Chris, Trace+H, Luke + Dianne,Roger+Damien+spud and dont forget little Toby. All in All a Superb!! weekend and one i would seriously recommend.
Thanx again guys i had a blast.

Flat out like a lizard drinking!!! Superb!
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