The game arrived yesterday. Yay

cant wait to play it. I do have a soft spot for car games. Best to take out my speeding and aggregation on the computer screen and not on the road. I need to take care of my car as it is getting older now, 12 years old, and still going strong.
I have most of the games in the Need for Speed category, this one is the latest version.
However my PS3 dosn't work. It has the blinking red light problem again.
So I took the works hair dryer home last night, set to 500deg C, and cooked more of the chips on the board. Put it back together and it came to life for about 10 seconds, and then the fands ramped up in speed and cut out.
This says to me that the heat sinking isn't intact on the the IC that is measuring the temperature.

I cleaned off the heatsink, actually another stick on heatsink has moved into the two main ones, causing it not to seat properly. Once cleared and reapplied heatsink compound. Put it all back together. Powered up for 30 seconds and all working well.
I will try this when I get in tonight.