Sounds a fun trip
I have just booked a weekend trip next month to Seattle and would love to be able to collect a suitcase full of parts while I am there for my camaro.
Can you tell me if I can order parts to be delivered to my hotel ? Or are there amazon points etc that I can use ?
I went out there on business to visit the head office. Was thinking of getting parts delivered to work, but they have well over 1000 people working there, who knows where the parts may end up. So was chatting to a college before I flew out. There was an option of delivering to his house, but obviously wouldn't be in to sign for it, so he mentioned there is a UPS Store locally. The UPS Store offers all sorts of packaging stuff, but also offers to storage facility, they are happy to keep for 5 days for a few of $5 per package. This worked well for me, although the hotel may have worked too.
I used for all my parts. They also do a lot of parts for the 3rd Gen.
82-92 F-Body | if they dont have it, just ask the questions, they have gone out of their way for me before to source parts, the chap I dealt with was Mike Kaser. They were happy to deliver to the UPS store, it came in 3 packages.

Got head gaskets, cam shaft, rockers, lifters, lifter trays, push-rods, oil pump, timing chain, oil pressure sensor and another Wideband AFR guage.
Weight of the suitcase was just under 50lbs which was the limit before having to pay, so a good idea to check weights. It seems to be cheaper doing this rather than shipping over. Really you should declare it at customs, they have Green and Red channels, but none were maned at 6am this morning, so I couldn't declare it even if I wanted to.

Its not as if I'm buying it in to sell the parts on, I'm try to get the car back on the road.