First draft of the newsletter to be handed out tonight at club night. Will check after lunch and start running copies off. some of the formatting/spacing got amiss when I copy and paste it.
The spring is almost here. Been very cold the last couple of days and having the scrap ice off the car to start the 1.2mile journey to work. Recently I have been getting a list of events together for the year to help plan. There is probably many I have missed but not intentionally, if you hear of an event then please let me know and I will get it added. This list will be emailed out via the website, which is why it includes links so it's easier to find out more information on the events.
Wheels Day will soon be upon us. Last year we met at Morrison in Horndean to leave at 8am sharp, this seemed to work quite well, so we shall do the same again this year. There is a pre-entry system at what comes to an end on the 22nd Feb. Last year there was a Popham alternative, but that is not happening this year. We also have a Wheels Day page on the website with more info
Another one to pre-enter for is Worthing. We often get a good convoy going to there. They are doing something the Saturday and Sunday, its American cars on the Sunday 31st July. toi entry please email Andy at, Just name/ address/ car make model. Its a free event, usually Sunny, well last year was an exception to that rule. We have a page on the website with more details and photos,
We have a couple more breakfast runs before the Southsea Cruise starts again. Our next breakfast run is to a place in Bordon which Heather recommended, and Malc has tried out. Should be a good one, and a little further to give them cars a much needed run. There is a car boot in the same car park so we may not be able to all park together.
A few members will also be going up to Santa pod to the big events to watch some drag racing. So if you want to tag along then please do, further information will be posted before the event. In the old days we could have had 10+ people going up to watch the racing and camping out.
The website is starting to get popular again. A lot of car club website are closing down due to many people being on Facebook. We know that not everyone is on facebook and providing an alternative way to find out about events via the website is a good way to help people. For those of you that have used facebook, and seen an event, have you tried finding it later? it’s a right p.i.t.a and often give up. A list on a website or email or hand outs at club night is the better way
So the website is there to be used. If you have any troubles or need help then just let me know.
Past events since last newsletter
7th Feb - Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop
Great turn out, if you missed it there are some photos on the website
Also on the same day was the Mustang Owners Meet at Cams mill, they have photos on Facebook.
Future Events
List of some known events for the year. I have probably missed many, so if you know of any events then please let me know so I can update the list.
16th Feb Club Night
21th Feb Renegades Breakfast run, Breakfast run to the Country Market in Bordon. Meeting at Morrisons to leave at 8:45am.
21th Feb Classics on the Quay - Shamrock Quay Marina - William Street - Northam - Southampton
1st March Club Night
6th March Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
6th March Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop (still on the 1st sunday of the month at the mo)
15th March Club Night
20th March Renegades Breakfast run, destination tba.
20th March NSRA Southern swap Meet, Arena Essex Raceway - London.
20th March Classics on the Quay - Shamrock Quay Marina - William Street - Northam - Southampton
25th March Wheels Day. Pre-Book at, pre-booking ends 22nd Feb.
We do have a full club stand of 15 vehicles, so hopefully any additional vehicles can park near us. Sarah is taking payments for positions on the club stand, need it by the 1st March.
25th-27th March Santapod Festival of Power
26th March Manhood Classics Spring Show. 10.00 - 16.00. Aldingbourne Country Centre, Blackmill Lane, Norton, Chichester
29th March Club Night
3rd April Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
3rd April Crotch Cooler Classic Car Sunday April 2016. The Departure Lounge Cafe
3rd April Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop (should be moving to 2nd sunday, to be confirmed)
12th April Club Night
15-17th April Billing Spring Nationals - AACI, Billing Aquadrome.
17th April Chichester College spring show.
17th April Renegades Start of Season Show
17th April Southsea Cruise, first one of the year.
26th April Club Night
30th April- 1st May Portsmouth Summer Show are after some American vehicles.(early stages of planning) they are after 10 vehicles to park up for the day 11am-6pm, no movement during that time due to health and safety. Thinking perhaps we can do this on the Saturday only as there are other events on the Sunday. Who will be up for doing this? We have a couple of names so far.
1st May Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
1st May Crotch Cooler Classic Car Sunday May 2016. The Departure Lounge Cafe
8th May Victory Wheelers Hayling Reunion- Funlands, Hayling.
10th May Club Night
15th May Cam-Am BBQ, (Can-am members only)
15th May Southsea Cruise
24th May Club Night
27th-30th May Santapod FIA/FIM Main Event
28th-29th May National Hot Rod & Custom Show, Peterborough.
28th-30th May Enfield Pageant of Motoring.
30th May Petersfield Spring Festival, they are after Classic or American cars for the Monday. A great turn out last year, would like to get an idea of numbers for who would like to attend this.
| Renegades Newsletter 21 16/02/2016 List of events for the beginning of 2016. |
The spring is almost here. Been very cold the last couple of days and having the scrap ice off the car to start the 1.2mile journey to work. Recently I have been getting a list of events together for the year to help plan. There is probably many I have missed but not intentionally, if you hear of an event then please let me know and I will get it added. This list will be emailed out via the website, which is why it includes links so it's easier to find out more information on the events.
Wheels Day will soon be upon us. Last year we met at Morrison in Horndean to leave at 8am sharp, this seemed to work quite well, so we shall do the same again this year. There is a pre-entry system at what comes to an end on the 22nd Feb. Last year there was a Popham alternative, but that is not happening this year. We also have a Wheels Day page on the website with more info
Another one to pre-enter for is Worthing. We often get a good convoy going to there. They are doing something the Saturday and Sunday, its American cars on the Sunday 31st July. toi entry please email Andy at, Just name/ address/ car make model. Its a free event, usually Sunny, well last year was an exception to that rule. We have a page on the website with more details and photos,
We have a couple more breakfast runs before the Southsea Cruise starts again. Our next breakfast run is to a place in Bordon which Heather recommended, and Malc has tried out. Should be a good one, and a little further to give them cars a much needed run. There is a car boot in the same car park so we may not be able to all park together.
A few members will also be going up to Santa pod to the big events to watch some drag racing. So if you want to tag along then please do, further information will be posted before the event. In the old days we could have had 10+ people going up to watch the racing and camping out.
The website is starting to get popular again. A lot of car club website are closing down due to many people being on Facebook. We know that not everyone is on facebook and providing an alternative way to find out about events via the website is a good way to help people. For those of you that have used facebook, and seen an event, have you tried finding it later? it’s a right p.i.t.a and often give up. A list on a website or email or hand outs at club night is the better way
Past events since last newsletter
7th Feb - Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop
Great turn out, if you missed it there are some photos on the website
Also on the same day was the Mustang Owners Meet at Cams mill, they have photos on Facebook.
Future Events
List of some known events for the year. I have probably missed many, so if you know of any events then please let me know so I can update the list.
16th Feb Club Night
21th Feb Renegades Breakfast run, Breakfast run to the Country Market in Bordon. Meeting at Morrisons to leave at 8:45am.
21th Feb Classics on the Quay - Shamrock Quay Marina - William Street - Northam - Southampton
1st March Club Night
6th March Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
6th March Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop (still on the 1st sunday of the month at the mo)
15th March Club Night
20th March Renegades Breakfast run, destination tba.
20th March NSRA Southern swap Meet, Arena Essex Raceway - London.
20th March Classics on the Quay - Shamrock Quay Marina - William Street - Northam - Southampton
25th March Wheels Day. Pre-Book at, pre-booking ends 22nd Feb.
We do have a full club stand of 15 vehicles, so hopefully any additional vehicles can park near us. Sarah is taking payments for positions on the club stand, need it by the 1st March.
25th-27th March Santapod Festival of Power
26th March Manhood Classics Spring Show. 10.00 - 16.00. Aldingbourne Country Centre, Blackmill Lane, Norton, Chichester
29th March Club Night
3rd April Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
3rd April Crotch Cooler Classic Car Sunday April 2016. The Departure Lounge Cafe
3rd April Drive & Jive Portsmouth Truck Stop (should be moving to 2nd sunday, to be confirmed)
12th April Club Night
15-17th April Billing Spring Nationals - AACI, Billing Aquadrome.
17th April Chichester College spring show.
17th April Renegades Start of Season Show
17th April Southsea Cruise, first one of the year.
26th April Club Night
30th April- 1st May Portsmouth Summer Show are after some American vehicles.(early stages of planning) they are after 10 vehicles to park up for the day 11am-6pm, no movement during that time due to health and safety. Thinking perhaps we can do this on the Saturday only as there are other events on the Sunday. Who will be up for doing this? We have a couple of names so far.
1st May Mustang Owners Meet Cams Mill
1st May Crotch Cooler Classic Car Sunday May 2016. The Departure Lounge Cafe
8th May Victory Wheelers Hayling Reunion- Funlands, Hayling.
10th May Club Night
15th May Cam-Am BBQ, (Can-am members only)
15th May Southsea Cruise
24th May Club Night
27th-30th May Santapod FIA/FIM Main Event
28th-29th May National Hot Rod & Custom Show, Peterborough.
28th-30th May Enfield Pageant of Motoring.
30th May Petersfield Spring Festival, they are after Classic or American cars for the Monday. A great turn out last year, would like to get an idea of numbers for who would like to attend this.