
The UK met office isn’t even close to real forecasting. Watch the weather channel in the US and they get it right almost to the minute. It’s unbelievable. In comparison, the Met office aren’t in the same ball park because they aren’t playing the same game!
Oh, OK 🤔. From my experience that's not what I've found TBH. Ironically, they often joke at my boat club how laymen complan about our official weather forecasts and in reality, how they do generally do get it right most of the time. The club formed in 1946 and is made up of 150 sailors, power yatchsmen as well as naval and merchant seamen, so there's a fair amount of experience there. If forecasts were that off, we'd keep coming home by helicopter, or not at all! 😁
The Met Office also provides data for UK shipping forecasts and to the UK Coastguard And Maritime Agency.

Genuine question, can you recommend a better weather source for the UK? Maybe the Yanks should do ours?
Nope, no recommendation except move to the US where they do it right!
I’ve just learnt no to trust any UK forecast and prepare for the worst!
Fair enough. The Met Office for me it is then 🙂
Well, I wouldn't move to the US on the basis of better weather forecasting, but I would for the better boating weather though 👍😎
...oh, and the cars, fuel prices, taxes, standard of living, salaries, real estate prices...etc etc 😆
Think being a little island and having hills makes thinks a little more difficult. Its certainly different to where I go in South Dakota. No hills in a 9 hour drive area, no sea for 1500 miles. I would imagine weather would be quite predictable there.
An entire mountain range crosses the US Dan & there are lakes larger than the English Channel or Irish channel is, by miles.
I think the US have invested in technology and applied it more appropriately whilst I sometimes think that the Met office relies on the flying directions of sparrows and whether a spaghetti bolognese thrown against the wall sticks or not!
Think being a little island and having hills makes thinks a little more difficult. Its certainly different to where I go in South Dakota. No hills in a 9 hour drive area, no sea for 1500 miles. I would imagine weather would be quite predictable there.
Maybe Dan. None of us are metrologist so who can accurately say, I guess we can only really comment on our own experiences. I have read that UK weather is notoriously difficult to predict. But as I was saying yesterday, my experience (and that of my fraternity) is that the Met really aren't actually that bad at it.
It could indeed be about money. Perhaps the US have a more extensive network of automated weather stations that enable more accurate short range forecasting. To be fair, they do more frequently have much more extreme and life endangering weather to deal with than us (like tornadoes for example).
We've had a light dusting here (the yellow snow on the Map lol). And they're having the orange stuff in the East. How are you Westerners doing for snow? lol
We've had a light dusting here (the yellow snow on the Map lol). And they're having the orange stuff in the East. How are you Westerners doing for snow? lol
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That is deep, thats all the way up to your windsheild wipers.
I'm just waiting for the Sled and Huskies to take me up the Co-Op.
Lol Irony!? Maybe take a look at the Map. I live where the blue dot is?? 🤔


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The irony is that in one sentence you comment on how accurate the met office is, and in the next you demonstrate how they issue a warning (which means severe) for snow and you get a dusting!!
Never mind! ;)
The irony is that in one sentence you comment on how accurate the met office is, and in the next you demonstrate how they issue a warning (which means severe) for snow and you get a dusting!!
Never mind! ;)
Lol fair comment and very good! 😁. Well, there has to be a fringe and to be fair, it appears that I do live almost on it.
I'm guessing you'd get a forecasted number of snowflakes flakes in the US??😜😉
As it goes, it is actually getting heavier here now and is beginning to lay. Have you guys got any yet?

Oh and BTW, I did a bit of reading up and apparently AccuWeather is considered the most accurate..they are US based but get their data from many global sources.
Not yet
Looked throuh the obdscured bathroom window this morning, I could see white on the garage roof, hoping it may all be on the ground too. got my shoes on and let the dogs out ready to video them for the first time in the snow. Sadly nothing there for them. I remember some dogs we have had in the past jumped around in the snow as it was soo strange to them.

Got a nice covering on the garage roof. Its 14 degrees in the garage, not a lot of heat escaping to melt the snow. There is a little bit along the near side edge where I havn't filled in the last bit of plasterboard.
4 miles from oswersrty 1st then Carno next 2
no snow here yet