Solar / Batteries to power the mining rig


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The concerning thing these days it is effictivly using electric to generate crypto coins. With the recent increase in electric costs and another increase on the 1st April to 28p per kwh (was 16p back n December) its really eating into any profits. I'm trying not to cash out the crypto coins as there is a high chace they will be worth more if I leave them in there.

My mining rig is spread over 3 setups. One is 696w, another is 627w and the big one is 2259watts. Total of 3582watts, 24 hours a day @ 28p. Around £1 an hour, or £24 a day.

My current solar panes are only a 4kw system. On the best of days it can just about run it. Wouldn't it be great to have more panels and storage to run it on the best of days for the whole day including the night.
Now i ant do much about the winter monther, perhaps could swtch off the miner on those days. Possible between April and August could run it with very little power needed from the grid.

Still working out numbers. I not have the reading evry hours from my solar panes last year. From this I can scale the figures to the proposed system. So this will let me know how many cloudy days there was etc.. With these numbers i can simulate battery storage, work out if there is too muchstorage or not enough. I'm limited on roof space, so I'll maximise that and work with it.

It looks like i can get 15 x 455 watt panels on the garage.
Building a new shed I can get 15 x 400watt panels on it. With 5 or 6 x 400 watt panels on the current garage.
Gives me 14.8kw system. An increase of 4 to 5 times of what I have.

The idea of maximising solar panel coverage is that it can run the miners and charge up batteries, when the sun goes down its running the miners from the batteries. When the batteries are flat I have the option of pulling from the grid or switching off.
question how much is all this going to cost to install ?
parts labour?
return on investament?
Approx the solar equipment for solar panels, fitting equipment cables, batteries, inverters etc, will be around £30k.
My electric bill will be around £9k a year if I dont fit solar. Solar will save around £4k a year, still working on calcs, it may be more or less than that.
If i turn off the mining gear I loose around £1.2k in earnings per month. The earnings i make is 0.55ETH, the ETH is currentl £2.2k per unit, but could be £5k by the end of the yesar, so worth holding.

Because electric is being turned into ernings, the ROI isn't straight forward. However if we exclude what the energy is being used for then it would take around 7 years to ROI.
Also what the interest rate and over cost of the 30k install plus in debt for 7 years plus.
You could sell the red paper wait in the garage to help off set the interest.

9k electric cost that total with running house I presume? Most general houses are 1 to 1.5k mybe 2k with all the increases and dependant people in property.
Wall has been started to the side of the house. House already has 10 solar panels on that side. The shed in the back garden is already there, an should have space for 5 smaller panels. If I'm gonna do this. Solar panel expansion I'll need more roof space. So an additional shed to the side of the house would be great. Additional 15x400watt panels.
The most. Costly part is the batteries, around £1700 to store 5kwh, and in thinking in the regeion of 75kwh. With the panels on the garage could be generating 110kwh on a good day.
Electric costs are rising. Direct debit is increasing.


More reason for this new shed and more solar panels.
New garden wall coming along.


In that area plan to build a woodden shed, for more roof space for solar panels.

Top down view, top orange bit is the house, right hand side and the bottom is the wall, bottom left is the old shed and can get 4 panels on that, and 18 panels on the new shed.

Side profile of the shed includes the angles for the solar panels.


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Wall is up to height along the front. Progressing well.
Very interesting stuff. A bit off topic re the mining I know, but with energy prices shooting up, I have been thinking about self installing some sort of battery backup up solar system to supplement our electricity supply 🤔
There are a few complete kits online which look pretty this one on eBay....
Yeah lots of info to wade through. Very scalable too depending on roof area.
I keep thinking about it everyday, along with the building of the new shed.
Some inverters can supply power to the house OR charge batteries so can't do both. This mode would be fine for a UPS type setup.
I think due to the energy prices rising then more people will be going for solar, this will create a shortage, prices will rise. However I'm sure after a year or so, production will ramp up and prices may even be cheaper than they are now. Solar panels are surprisingly cheap. Its the battery storage that is where the cost is.
My 4kw system on the house dosn't have battery storage, but it still saves money by not having to but in soo much energy. So if you are watching TV or cooking a meal when the sun is out then you are effectivly not having to but in energy. If the panels are generating more than you are using, then effectivly that excess energy is being lost. There is no reward selling back excess to the grid anymore. The wasted energy is effectivly free so no great loss, but is could be stored in batteries to use when the sun goes down.
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May be worth me creating another thread as solar generation could be useful to many others too.
May be worth me creating another thread as solar generation could be useful to many others too.
Good idea re a new thread. Maybe we could call it renewable energy ideas or something lol. Just thinking it could allow chat about heated water systems too?
Wall is done. Nice big area for the new shed.

Been braking up done old concrete today where the old wall stood.

Any grass left for the 2 gremlins ( dogs)
4ft Square would be plenty for them, lol
They still have 6.9m x 7m between the back door and the garage