Stats and percentages can and are manipulated to enforce any answer the person using them wants to.
I’m sure I could come up with some numbers based on population that prove the other way and then I could skew it by showing bias towards areas inhabited by a prevalent racial type.
For me, the prevalence of weapons is neither here nor there, and neither is the amount of people carrying under a CCW permit because they have regulation. And whilst and regulation can be improved, it’s the Americans people’s choice - who are we to criticise?
And let’s not forget that the steak knife from Applebee’s in Dans hand could equally a weapon, along with the cars we drive and the hammer in our toolbox.
All of these have proven very effective weapons in the wrong hands and all easily attainable.
But this is opinion and politic and not what this is about?
Enjoy your stay in the US Dan and let’s see more pics, especially when you go out in that Charger Hellcat!