Haven't gotten any details of any sorts. So been chasing them around for the past few minutes and hopefully something is going to happen. They wanted me for tomorrow (which reminds me, there is a chance I might not make it to club night, but thats besides the point), the next and on the 2nd....and haven't heard anything?
Lady I talked to at October sounded a little confused, but knew of the production I was talking about. She says she is chacing them now, and will call me back in a few.
So lets see what goes
EDIT: Ahh...ok. All becomes clear to me now. Just got a call back from Mr.Scorey who explained the evil day they were having and it will be sorted out tonight - Not sure if its just the those of use who are wanted tomorrow or all of us. But I bet you like the editor/director has to go over the stuff they have filmed today before they know what they need the next day ... and with such a long day, things are a bit behind. And I think thats fair. Fiolm Production is crazy stuff
Anyway...will keep ya guys updated.
EDIT #2: OK. Those who are needed tomorrow, contact me, please

They have gotten me the details on where to meet (well, where they need me anyway). I forgot to ask them when they will be contacting you guys! D'OH!!