Club Photographer
Victory Wheelers' Hot Rod & Custom Car Show
Monday 31st August 2015
Stansted House, Rowlands Castle, Hampshire. PO9 6DX
0900 arrival for show vehicles
£5.00 Vehicle entry (Includes 2 adults and reduced entry to House and maze)
£5.00 public (Reduced entry to House)
Under 16 free
There will be a pre-book saving, on the website below. ** Update ** This is live for you to pre book and save some money.
Display vehicles:
Hot Rods, Rat Rods, Custom, American, Choppers and Bobbers, VW Beetles/Buses, pre 1976 European/British.
- Live music
- Children's entertainment
- Prizes for best vehicles
- Reduced entry to the house and maze
*** Update: Renegades will be meeting at Morrisons, Hordean, PO8 9FB to leave at 0915
Hot Rod & Custom Car Show | Stansted Park House & Grounds

Monday 31st August 2015
Stansted House, Rowlands Castle, Hampshire. PO9 6DX
0900 arrival for show vehicles
£5.00 Vehicle entry (Includes 2 adults and reduced entry to House and maze)
£5.00 public (Reduced entry to House)
Under 16 free
There will be a pre-book saving, on the website below. ** Update ** This is live for you to pre book and save some money.
Display vehicles:
Hot Rods, Rat Rods, Custom, American, Choppers and Bobbers, VW Beetles/Buses, pre 1976 European/British.
- Live music
- Children's entertainment
- Prizes for best vehicles
- Reduced entry to the house and maze
*** Update: Renegades will be meeting at Morrisons, Hordean, PO8 9FB to leave at 0915
Hot Rod & Custom Car Show | Stansted Park House & Grounds

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