Web server upgrade

Just looking though the logs, there is a huge amount of data in there. Shows what files were requested and what was delivered and with HTTP codes, so far its looking good. But it could be some javascript or code that is stopping it, but why... and how does it know who to single out. The answer is somewhere, but where to look?! I'm not sure yet. Plus if it effects you two, who else it is effecting?
Searcihng though the log files, There are 304's This means its cached and no need to serve. 204's are okay, 200's are good. There are no 404's this means missing file. One odd one is 303's.

HTTP 303 See Other

The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource. The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second (redirected) request might be cacheable.

The different URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s).

Note: Many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 303
status. When interoperability with such clients is a concern, the
302 status code may be used instead, since most user agents react
to a 302 response as described here for 303.

This is the only doubtful one, however later browsers understand it. From the logs I cant tell who is who, just going by you ISP's IP address which will be the same for you two.
I wonder if it is the Firewall, it can limit the number of connections per IP address. Just a long shot.

I have disabled the firewall. give it another go.
Still disabled. :(
Can't think of what else to try at the moment.
It's weird how any other forums we share are fine, but this one doesn't.
It's related to top/ip I'm sure. If one of hotspots onto the cellular networks it's fine.
Our internal ip's are different but we share DNS/default gateway etc.
I'm wondering if verbose logging would enable deeper interrogation of the IP packets which would show the internal address nat'd behind the external address. This would maybe link those 303 errors to one iPad?
Or maybe create Clare a temporary login to the server which would isolate anything account specific?
Yes, I think it is something forum related. Add-ons to the forum can do odd things, so I had disabled all of them. One thing different to other forums is the content delivery network, so I disabled that. On the old server the firewall was active part of that time, so as you had a period where it worked fine and then didn't, so thought disabling the firewall may help.

I'm not sure if i can get down to the TCP/IP packet level very easily. There must be a way though. Usually I would install WireShark, but as its all Linux command based I would have to find an alternative.

I still wonder if something on the page is being requested and its taking a long time to come back.

I have a plan, bare with me, gonna do some screen shots. This should nail it down :)
Thanks for everything Dan - it'll come out in the wash :) :)
Okay, In opera, (I'm running version 30.0, but apple Opera may be a different version)
Right Click on the forum page,
Select Inspect Element

Lots of code will appear on the right hand side, or along the bottom.

On the tabs (Elements, Network, Sources Timeline etc...), choose Network

Then refresh the page, it will show every item that gets requested, along with the time it takes to load. Shed loads of little files.
you will see the status codes, 200 etc, 304's and more, however these aren't too important. Its the Time (time to load) that is important at the moment.
There is a Time Column, click on that, and it probably sorts reverse order, then click again, for longest items at the top.

So the longest thing on this page is 1.03seconds which what the main page, then some images. If you can catch it on a page that takes you a long time to load, these will certainly come in very handy to track it down. Hopefully Opera works simlar to this on yours. If its an external resource its waiting for, I can make a work around.
Unfortunately iPads apps don't have the capability of doing that :(
ah, I guess the first thing is there is no right mouse button.
Is there a way to go via a menu, and then to 'Developer tools' again this may be desktop version only. I have Opera Mini on my phone, and I don't have this menu :(
No, no menus like that :(
Just installed Opera on my phone as oppose to Opera Mini, and I still don't get them menus.
Would have been very handy as it could point directly to the issue. I will try Safari in a bit. :)

I have disabled more things behind the scenes on the forum, so hoping to find that magic button that fixes it for you.
I will see what I can do here, a colleague has an iPhone 6 large, and an iPad. If I can get them both to access the forum on different account and it freezes, I can run a protocol analyser on this internal network and find out whats what.

I am still thinking it's trying to access and wait for a resource that is called up from the page. From what I can tell from the HTTP logs all files are served in a reasonable time, but is hard to tell as one page request may overlap another.

The resources called on when viewing this forum thread page are from
Google Analytics - Mobile, Premium and Free Website Analytics – Google

A lot of these were disabled when I disabled all plug-ins. Some of the google ones are to start advertising, but on your account you have advertising disabled so you wont see the ad's but it is still contacting googleapi.com and a few others. So if you have something blocking google then maybe, but that doesn't explain why one device works fine until you use two.

Speaking to the colleague at work if he used his iPhone and iPad at the same time on the internet then he gets all sorts of issues until he turns one off, he suspects his BT Home hub for that one, not letting both devices on the network, however that is a different issue to you, as he cant access any website, and you can access other website but not the renegades one.

We have just been using his iPhone6 on the website, but we have no iPad here, so perhaps we will test that further tomorrow.
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