What do people want?


Super Moderator
What do people want from this forum?
Car articles?
Car news?
Games similar to word association?
None of the above?

What would make you participate?
Perhaps you feel the forum is a waste of time and that Facebook is your primary source?

A little participation from everyone would not hurt. I regularly post articles, links to articles, comment on the RSS news feeds and generally provide large amounts of content and I'm more than little dis-heartened at the lack of feedback and general response. Why can't people be bothered to post?

Am I wasting my time? The fact that I virtually stopped posting this week and forum dies tells me I am.
Convince me I'm wrong before I too decide I can't be bothered.
Thanks for the post. It will be interested to see the replies. What do people want from the website....
I try to promote it in the hand out on the club nights. Perhaps the forum is too difficult to use? if so, would be interesting to hear any feedback.

Sometimes I get snowed under at work, but try to get on here to see what's new.

Even posts that are no car related are appreciated, like other projects you are doing. Or posts funny stuff in the Renegades Cafe that you have come across on the internet. The website is a playground for all to enjoy.
Is it worth linking this article on the Facebook page so people could possibly respond?
Just a few points here.....

1. Just because no one replies to a post, it dosen't mean it's not been read.
2. Sometimes there isn't the need for a reply or can't add anything usefull.
3. Lots of people use fakebook for convienience on the move, I havent even got a smart phone.
4. I go on three or four different websites several times a day and all seem fairly quiet these days. Also, 'tis holiday season at this time.
5. Don't forget we are a fairly small club with only a few regular visitors to the website.
6. Some may only look in during the evenings due to work etc., some only if they want help or to buy/sell stuff.

Some of this may sound a bit negative but it's just the way it is as I see it.
Yup, pretty negative. Effectively it means the content I'm adding isn't worth contributing too or is of no interest. I don't buy the silly season argument, it's been this way for a long time.
but thanks for responding.
Moved the thread so everyone can read it now, linked to from facebook too.
Just a few points here.....

1. Just because no one replies to a post, it dosen't mean it's not been read.
2. Sometimes there isn't the need for a reply or can't add anything usefull.
3. Lots of people use fakebook for convienience on the move, I havent even got a smart phone.
4. I go on three or four different websites several times a day and all seem fairly quiet these days. Also, 'tis holiday season at this time.
5. Don't forget we are a fairly small club with only a few regular visitors to the website.
6. Some may only look in during the evenings due to work etc., some only if they want help or to buy/sell stuff.

Some of this may sound a bit negative but it's just the way it is as I see it.

Thanks Chris. I agree, we do see a lot of visitors reading, and going on their way.
I see it the website as a good source of information that people look at and use.
Have to agree there are around 4 sometimes 5 regular people that post reply

but look at post views for a thread could be around 30 - 40 views take out the 5 thats 35 other people why not reply
i posted about tatton park event recentley took some time for me and dan to get that on the forum ok i understand it's along for S/R to attend but at least you get to what another show is about and some differant cars

chris has started a thread on his mopar project i for one would like to see progress updates my be chris feels the same? (i know chris bit tough at the moment)
american thunder/an88pero has a new project again would be nice to see progress
renchero has done a few upgrades to his truck has comented about uploading pictures would of been nice to see read about this. mybe something dan could look into?

what about all the other solent renegades cars? projects

mybe facebook link meassages replys both ways with forum ?

yes people have hectic lives these day but the post count show's people are looking

confusing forum ? forum thread post or blog whats the differance ?

yes people chat catch up at shows , forum has helpfull advice tips fun

since joining many moons ago the club has grown bigger and done more events just a shame the forum hasnt
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i look at the forum every few days and read several articles . being one of the new guys i still dont know or have not met a lot of you guys and hope that over the coming months that we will be able to attend more gatherings
i will normally only add to a post if i have something worthwhile to contribute this being said i think this is one of the busier forums i have used and your doing a great job dan
i look at the forum every few days and read several articles . being one of the new guys i still dont know or have not met a lot of you guys and hope that over the coming months that we will be able to attend more gatherings
i will normally only add to a post if i have something worthwhile to contribute this being said i think this is one of the busier forums i have used and your doing a great job dan

Thanks for this. You probably aren't aware that American Thunder and Myself are far from local so we only usually get to meet up with the Renegades a couple of times a year. In my opinion replying to any post is good - it doesn't matter if you feel it's worthwhile or not - it's extra reading after all :)
when people add a photo galaery we could have a section to add replays if there is no thread running for gallaery just a thought.
What is very frustrating is the simple consumption of the content being posted without any comment. Those regulars don't have to do it but can you imagine what would happen if we didn't? The forum would be dead.

It's quite simple, even a simple response from a "wow" or "that sux" or maybe even "interesting, thanks".
It's not enough to simply consume the content, and then wait for the next thing to be posted - frankly it's selfish, and it's made worse because this is a small club with relatively few members. You simply cannot just think someone else will do it.

Put simply, use it or lose it! I'm unwilling to continue wasting my time providing content that apparently is of no interest.
No feed back yet from other visitors/ lookers shame on you

is it = website not easy to use?
old new generation differant older generation don't like using computers but you are looking
security issues ? we dont want your perssonel detials
what you done to your car lately ? plans to keep sell? thoughts on forth coming shows winters around the corner less shows to attend

a resomable question has been asked just a reminder

What do people want from this forum?
Car articles?
Car news?
Games similar to word association?
None of the above?

What would make you participate?
Perhaps you feel the forum is a waste of time and that Facebook is your primary source?

A little participation from everyone would not hurt. I regularly post articles, links to articles, comment on the RSS news feeds and generally provide large amounts of content and I'm more than little dis-heartened at the lack of feedback and general response. Why can't people be bothered to post?

Am I wasting my time? The fact that I virtually stopped posting this week and forum dies tells me I am.
Convince me I'm wrong before I too decide I can't be bothered

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