Whatcha listening to?

Brings back soo many great memories. I'm away with the fairys at the moment. Written by DAXX, he has much more splendid stuff. Got some of his tracks in the car. I really must get more of this in the car for them cruising days.
The Amiga had so many great little game and crack tunes, remember any of these?



Absolutely terrific song ........ listen to the words very carefully lol[video=youtube;SmO0bTeeHVw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmO0bTeeHVw[/video]
Great track, and brilliant dancing skills. He's been dancing for 17 years.
I'm listening to Bath is Cooling Me lol
car music today [video=youtube;8RAfxiyMKAk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RAfxiyMKAk&feature=fvst[/video]

to hell with greased lightning try this [video=youtube;3NMklxiE6xw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NMklxiE6xw[/video]
car music today was [video=youtube;wSdFFougjr0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSdFFougjr0&feature=related[/video]