Word Association

month - year

ever wonder where the months come from? well...
JanuaryJanusGod of DoorsThis month opens the year.
FebruaryfebruopurifyThis was a Roman month of sacrifices and purification.
MarchMarsGod of WarStart of year for soldiers (no fighting during winter)
AprilaperireopenThis is the month when trees open their leaves.
MayMaiaGoddess of GrowthThis is the month when plants really start to grow.
JuneJunoQueen of the Gods
JulyJulius CaesarRuler of RomeHe reorganised the calendar.
AugustAugustusRuler of RomeHe thought he was at least as important as Julius Caesar!
SeptemberseptemsevenSeventh month (counting from March)
OctoberoctoeightEighth month (counting from March)
NovembernovemnineNinth month (counting from March)
DecemberdecemtenTenth month (counting from March)
So a long long time ago, December used to be the 10th month, You hear of a shape with 10 sides beginning with Dec. Then some Roman inserted two months in the middle of the year, moving the 7th month and other on two months. I guess days of the month were greater back then too.
photo - graph
data - bit
bit - nibble

(4 bits to those who wondered)

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