Somewhat of an understatement there. The Chinese government have oppressed their people and denied basic human rights for years as well as massive sensorship.

Mind you, google are now almost exclusively using AI to sensor YouTube and no-one is blinking an eye so now an independent company is deciding what you can see and watch and our own Western governments are either ignoring it or are supportive of it.
Tell me about it... don't get me started! I was trying not to stray too far off thread (again..I do that lol). But I guess it is related given that China started this fu**ing sh*t!
I work for a HK owned company and my UK based boss is convinced that the Chinese government created Coronavirus and that the Wuhan wet market story is just a smoke screen. There is also a bio research facility in Wuhan and very close to that market!
As you have said, what is scary is that it was possibly man made. What if they were trying to create a virus that kills everyone apart from those who have had their own developed vaccine!
They were clearly unsuccessful this time...but what about next time? ☹
I don't trust them an inch.
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I saw on the news that in the warmer weather yesterday, some people were stupidly and selfishly going out in their numbers and mixing in quite close proximity to each other! I hope they don't do the same again today given the even better weather forecast. The possibility of civil unrest has been mentioned on here. I had hoped that will be avoided, but the police having to disperse the advice ignoring idiots could be a catalyst for it!
Also, we could end up with a total lockdown with even the currently permitted exercise being banned. Just because of a small minority, that would be grossly unfair on those of us who have been out walking, running and cycling only with those from our own household while maintaining a safe distance from others and being no threat in terms of the spread of the virus.
Yeah agreed a minority ruin it for all.

Walking the dogs around the block we do see a few people on route, but we cross the roads to avoid passing each other.

Sarah was saying she has a freind in Northend looking out the window the amount of traffic and people is around the same of a normal Saturday. It seems certain areas just dont care.
problem being if they dont adhere to what boris wants in a lockdown stay home protect NHS he will get tuffer then they will really suffer

but the real winners will be the divorce solictors once this lock down is over lol,,,,
Out walking this morning and the bypass was empty.
But yesterday I could hear bikers out having fun.
They will spoil it for everyone, pure selfishness. They aren’t the only ones who would prefer to get out.
Spent yesterday car cleaning, and today was gardening and house work. I would have preferred to be exercising the V8 and killing tyres!
don,t know what i am doing so hope this works
Took the TransAm out for a little drive, sat in some traffic on the A27 Cosham outside Aldi. Saw around 20 people go in/out of the shop and no one was wearing a face mask not putting one on or taking one off, none to be seen. Is Aldi immune to Covid? Not seen this in other shops, have nipped in to asda and everyone wears a mask apart from some Indians wearing it on their chin, so they almost got it right.
Isn't it a kind of non enforsed law? The shop can't stop you coming in but you are meant to wear one. So how come soo many Aldi shoppers not attempting to wear one?
Took the TransAm out for a little drive, sat in some traffic on the A27 Cosham outside Aldi. Saw around 20 people go in/out of the shop and no one was wearing a face mask not putting one on or taking one off, none to be seen. Is Aldi immune to Covid? Not seen this in other shops, have nipped in to asda and everyone wears a mask apart from some Indians wearing it on their chin, so they almost got it right.
Isn't it a kind of non enforsed law? The shop can't stop you coming in but you are meant to wear one. So how come soo many Aldi shoppers not attempting to wear one?
I'm not sure that face coverings in shops is actually a law. But I don't think shop staff are required to enforce it.
this explains it all.

You will see it says masks are required in shops and supermarkets - including staff!!
TBF I did say I wasn't sure about it being law to wear face coverings in shops. But that clarifies it, thanks for posting :).
As I had suggested though, it doesn't say premises staff can enforce it, only take reasonable steps. (I guess that could cause heaps of trouble in shops otherwise!).
I read elsewhere that although shop staff can't enforce it, if you were seen not wearing a face covering by the police, you could be fined without a valid reason.
But why were so many Aldi shoppers in particular flouting the law?
It is known that the virus spreads more quickly in less privileged areas. Perhaps there is a link there?
Whatever the reasons, it seems to be a thing with some people. This is one of the many articles on the web on the subject...
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I guess it's "here we go again" with what looks like another lockdown on the way!
Let's hope idiots don't panic buy again!
And hope idiots don't keep spreading it.
This sucks. I start a new job in two weeks ........... !!!
And hope idiots don't keep spreading it.
Indeed! Unfortunately some Covid sceptics probably need to have a negative experience of it before they are convinced enough to act sensibly.
The threat seems more worrying this time somehow. I spoke to someone yesterday with a relative who is currently dying of it. And a guy where my other half works was sent home yesterday morning with most of the symptoms. Apparently he has since had a test and awaits the results.
most people do follow the rules so i think its time we stop blaming the few that don't and look at the so called "experts"making them up. covid has been around about a year not long enough for anyone to be a true expert. this leaves us with self appointed rule makers making it up as they go along and changing the rules when they get it wrong as is happening right now
if they knew what they were doing this would be nearly over not getting worse
Agreed, most of do us follow the guidance, but I think despite the constant advice, enough haven't been doing so to keep the reinfection rate down. For the government, it's finding a balance between trying to protect the economy and control the virus. It's probably true that they don't know enough about Covid. So the best they can do is try to minimise the spread by close contact, which is what social distancing is about. But we've all seen the crowds of drunken revellers on the streets in the news and read of the massive house parties. I am among the many who have witnessed it personally. The advice on social distancing has been in place since the beginning, but simply not enough people have been following it. If they were, I think we wouldn't be facing another lockdown. The government can only do so much and we can try to blame them, but in the end it's down to the common sense of the minority. That's how I see it anyway.

As for the sceptics and conspiracy theory believers, people are obviously free to belive what they want. But honestly! What do they think the government has to gain from crippling the economy, hindering education and affecting the mental health of so many?
Aside from the theory, what evidence is there to support it?
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