Wonder if most of the items being sold are made in China ..........
I guess it's tempting to think that the pandemic was orchestrated when we see the huge sums of money involved as a result of it. But massive companies like Amazon are geared to profit from any situation without the need to have created it. I'm sure that hundreds of companies are getting fat because of Covid. It just seems pretty far fetched to imagine they conspired to create a global pandemic.
I can see the thinking behind the speculation, but is there any hard evidence to support it?
Flicking through the channels, Came across a live broadcast of Rugby Union. they are not social distancing, how did they wangle that one? Not sure how you can play Rugby and keep social distance, looks like they are doing the usual group hug stuff.
Flicking through the channels, Came across a live broadcast of Rugby Union. they are not social distancing, how did they wangle that one? Not sure how you can play Rugby and keep social distance, looks like they are doing the usual group hug stuff.
That doesn't surprise me! I heard a report recently that some are suggesting sportsmen should be given the vaccine because they "bring pleasure to people"!
And yet, the police are currently battling to be prioritised for the vaccine. WTF!?
All front line emergency service workers should have been given the vaccine automatically.
sportsmen should be given the vaccine because they "bring pleasure to people"!
If that's the case, then Hookers should come into that category?
That has been mentioned in the Welsh news for Cardiff
had my 1st jab today
Nice one! They say I should get the call for mine around May. As things stand I'll be having it. I now know loads of people who have. Most reported no issues apart from one who said it was just like the flu jab - only a mild headache.
i was surprised to get the call i thought they were still doing the over 70s. i am 65 i had no issues with it only a slight ache in my arm the flu jab ached more. did not have to go far local GP surgery. 15 minutes after leaving home i was back again and i walked
Whitch part of lock down stay home stay safe do they not understand hope they got fined a lot and driver got his bus I'm pounded crushed
Whitch part of lock down stay home stay safe do they not understand hope they got fined a lot and driver got his bus I'm pounded crushed
Dorks, yes a lot of people not sticking to the rules. The rules have been there for like a year, they should know them by now.
Whitch part of lock down stay home stay safe do they not understand hope they got fined a lot and driver got his bus I'm pounded crushed
Crikey! I don't get these people who think their actions don't make any difference!
I sometimes see groups of people out together and wonder if they have a good reason. It's good to know the police are onto it...

If you drive further along Portsdown past The Churchillian to the next car park along, there is a caravan up there that has been for months and a couple of motorhomes that clearly have people living in them. I'm very surprised they haven't been moved on as well.
If you drive further along Portsdown past The Churchillian to the next car park along, there is a caravan up there that has been for months and a couple of motorhomes that clearly have people living in them. I'm very surprised they haven't been moved on as well.
Interesting. Maybe they have some legitimate reason for being there, but I can't think what that might be.
Traverers for a better word?
Traverers for a better word?

Don't think so, its a tiny little old caravan, not the sort that would normally be associated with Travellers. Actually a lot of people who live and tour full time in their motorhomes have had a really difficult time over the last year with all the touring sites being shut, in many cases actually leaving them homeless.

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