An extra boost on forum speed has been unleashed.
PHP generation (the main webpage) served to your browsers and take a little while to generate, usually under half a second. One your browser receives this, it then needs to go and fetch any images and stylesheets to make the page look correct. Shorting these extra files on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) it speeds up our server and gets the files to the user quicker.
Optimising references to the CDN
The CDN is a content delivery network, which basically means its a caching server for the static items on the website. So things that don’t change often, like peoples avatar images, photo gallery images, lots of javasctipts, CSS files. All this can be served from server around the world which are geared up for delivering files and taking the load off our server, letting it serve the pages nice a fast. We have had the CDN for some time now, around 18 months.
Bascally any images that is on, if the same URL was used, apart from CDN at the beginning, it will serve that same image from the cache server. If the cache server doesn't have that file it fetched it from the website and remembers it for all future requests.
Images in forum posts
the link was done in class_bbcode, its in about 5 places. Changed from base path to, also had to add to get the URL re-write to ignore attachment.php pages, as when the CDN request cam it it would redirect to an SEO page, still the right images, but then not cached.
Avatar images down the left hand side of a forum page changed to CDN by editing postbit_legacy template.
Xperience point banner bars are not in the usual place, but are in various PHP files I can eddit, the refer to the root of the forum for the URL so I can hard code in its place.
Optimising PHP generation
The PHP is generated by Apache, but there is a plug in called nGinx, this can server the data quicker, do its been applied to the server to see how it goes. It certainly feels faster to me, but it could be my imagination, like when you add something to your car, it feels better.
even if it is the same.
It seems the slow parts of the website now are served by google, which can't be helped, as we need the google ads to help with the running of the server. There is much more to be done to the website, checking all pages are pointing to the CDN, I have only done the main ones, like forum and gallery and parts of the Article section. Its great fun all this optimising. Once I get started I keep tinkering.
Its all working well, if anyone sees any issues please let me know.