Garage Plans

Popped up the IR detection light as had to take it down for plasterboarding it.
Connected up the 6ft strip lights in chains of 3. I will have 4 lines of these. Plenty of light. All coming together.

Started the last line of plasterboard.
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Looking good
Lights are up. All big bits of plaster board are up, just a few narrow bits to do above the garage door.
Lights are 6000lm each, got 12 of them. Plus 2x3000lm above the workbench.
Loads of light, on 5 swiches so I can choose what lines are on.


Has 2 lines of lights on today(5 lines to choose from) while working on the Camaro. This is 2 strips of 3 x 6ft long led lights giving out 6100lm each. Gave plenty of light, never really had a dark point where I couldn't see. Must have been in there a few hours and my eyes were used to it.

Stepped out to the garden to pop stuff in the bin, we have a 500watt halogen light in the garden, I was ready for it to blind me, but it didn't and seemed rather dim. I guess my eyes got used to all the light in the garage. Lol.
Stepped out to the garden to pop stuff in the bin, we have a 500watt halogen light in the garden, I was ready for it to blind me, but it didn't and seemed rather dim. I guess my eyes got used to all the light in the garage. Lol.
i swapped 3 on the front of my garage for 2 30 watt leds and i can see better by them
Going to start buying paint soon. The weather is good, can paint the garage in 2 halfs. I'll get a mains powered spray gun. Tried painting the walls with a brush and you cant get in all the holes of the breeze block, where a spray gun you can.

The floor I'll use a roller.

The ceiling I need to use some filler for the screw hole and to smooth the edges where the plaster board joins.

Plenty of fun.

you not got a air compressor?
I have been offered and air compressor, I wouldn't use it often enough to justify the loss of space.
I'll get an electric paint gun for the walls. The floor ill just use a roller.
Bet you get lots of tyres that need pumping up now you said that lol,,,,
Finally got round to moving the car out. The plaster board that was along through back looks have have been there 3 years going by photos in this post.

Camaro has a dust sheet over ut. Got 10 litres of paint on the wall, giving it another coat today, sealed with PVA before. This is yesterdays progress.



Glad you retired the Spider from Pic 1 to a more practical roller method!
Lol, the spider web effect was from my mixing tool, wanted to get the excess paint off it.
Went for a fluffy roller in the end so I could get in all the bits. Pretty happy with the results walked over it yesterday, there are some tiny dots I have missed if you look for them. Should be next to no dust on that side of the garage now.