Obd 1.5 wtf?


So after over a years ownership of my Euro spec Firebird it turns out what I thought was a mileage related 'service engine soon' light actually requires a code reading. Thought it was just like the spanner light on my Picasso :(

It's marked up as OBD1 compliant ( 12 port) yet uses the 16 port OBD2 fitting .On the OBD system you can get the codes by shorting A and B terminal . On mine after loads of searching doing that to terminal 5 and 6 is meant to do the same ...except it doesn't :( It simply clears the code which then resets after about 15 minutes running ( it's time based it appears rather than mileage ).

Anyway point of this does anyone have a code reader to suit this system around the Portmouth / Hampshire area before I drag it all up to AutoPontiac ( after I of course check they can do it anyway ).

Not looking for favours totally willingto pay , just want to make sure teh car is right before I sell it .
I'm not local so can't recommend anyone, but my advice would be steer clear of Robin Gray.
I'm sure there are plenty of garages that can read it. I know my scanner would but I'm not local.
Thought he was closing up shop or scaling back at least?

should of said sooner as i was in the area could of brought all my magic tools down with me,
plent on e.bay OBD1 readers worth a goes before you spend out on garage costs.
sell obd reader with car if it dosn't fit any other s you have.?
I have a reader. It has read a 96 camaro before, so it may read yours, worth a shot perhaps?
Could pop round tomorrow after work, I leave work about 5pm, only in Waterlooville. I know where you live.
I have a reader. It has read a 96 camaro before, so it may read yours, worth a shot perhaps?
Could pop round tomorrow after work, I leave work about 5pm, only in Waterlooville. I know where you live.

Thanks Dan it's got to be worth a try at least. My head is exploding with reading all over the net about this system . I'm an old points and carbs type of guy mostly ;)..
" I know where you live " sounds most ominous .Min dyou , do you know where YOU live ?? I had a guy turn up thinking I was you a while back, he must have bad eyes!!
I've got the feeling that it may just be telling me the aircon doesn't work, which I already KNOW! LOL
Thought he was closing up shop or scaling back at least?

should of said sooner as i was in the area could of brought all my magic tools down with me,
plent on e.bay OBD1 readers worth a goes before you spend out on garage costs.
sell obd reader with car if it dosn't fit any other s you have.?

This is the change over year, so ODB1 protocol on an ODB2 port.
Robin is scaling back? Good. Never understood why he was the darling of the POC. He never saw any of my Pontiacs, telephone conversations with him were enough to put me off.
I've got the feeling that it may just be telling me the aircon doesn't work, which I already KNOW! LOL

No. If the AC is even monitored is would come from the BCM, whilst your SES light is a function of the PCM.
You have something that's set a code, i.e. Misfire, emissions etc
" I know where you live " sounds most ominous .Min dyou , do you know where YOU live ?? I had a guy turn up thinking I was you a while back, he must have bad eyes!!
Did sound a bit stalkerish didn't it.
I've had a few people think I was someone else. Asking why I didn't wave to them as they saw my car go past, they were adamant it was my car, they said they saw the number plate, however around that time I had a cover over my front plate, so they must have been mistaken.

Driven past your house a few times over the years, seen the cars on the driveway, went past this morning on the way to work to refresh my mind on where abouts in the road it is. I was looking out for the white one, saw the Firebird.
Many thanks for your time and trouble today Dan . Having heard back from AutoPontiac ( £80+ VAT to scan )and Actron scanners it workd out cheaper in the long run to purchase one of their scanners as it is backwards compatible with the system on my car.

Many thanks for your time and trouble today Dan . Having heard back from AutoPontiac ( £80+ VAT to scan )and Actron scanners it workd out cheaper in the long run to purchase one of their scanners as it is backwards compatible with the system on my car.


Sorry it couldn't talk to your car, it was certainly worth a shot as I was only around the corner, just off Sutton Road.

Sounds like Actron is the way forward and will let you know what the ECU is complaining about.
Code reader turned up from Jegs today so straight out there to get some codes. 64 , 75, 76, 77 ...HOUSE!! .
Quick search online shows the most likely causes as 64 = exhaust leak , 75/76/77 sooted up EGR system which can be cleaned from the top. I'll order some gaskets and get on that then. Replacement headlight flip unit on it's way , best make sure the painkillers are topped up as I'll be under the bonnet soon :(
64=exhaust leak??
How does it know?

Sure the oxygen sensor could be reporting a lean condition if the leak is upstream of the sensor but it could equally be a vacuum leak or weak injectors.
That's great news that you can read out the codes now. On the road to fixing it.
The code 64, may be a sensor going, they tend to read lean when they fail after the switching has slowed down. However could be a leak or something further upstream. I dont know if your car has a sensor before and after the cat.

Still it's a lot more progress, as you are no long working totally blind.
I can HEAR the exhaust leak so will be the first port of call as that is a suggested common fault .Fix it regardless , clear codes , try again. Still there , look at next most common ;)
If you can hear an exhaust leak then fair enough, but for a code to suggest there is an exhaust leak is ludicrous. Maybe with canbus and I'm not sure then, but definitely not ODB.
Good luck with fix.
Finally got round to looking at the faults , stripped egr connection and throttle body .Some dirt in there so it's soaking. So, where are these 3 solenoid valves to do with the EGR? If I'm correct in their location then I think I may found found the issue ?
It looks like an EGR, but I''ve never seen it as 3 solenoids, usually the whole lot is in one can shaped device, but i guess there are various models.
Exhaust Gas Recirculating valve, can get sooted up with carbon from the exhaust and cause errors, and running issues.