the "garage"


Core Member
i cant add a new vehicle to the garage. is it just certain memebrs who can add vehicles or has it been disabled?

i get this message when i click on add vehicle
"lunty, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation."
Try it now.:taz:
it works now :) i wont put my moped on it though XD will probs put the cougar on there sometime this evening :) was it that i didnt have permissions to it?
it works now :) i wont put my moped on it though XD will probs put the cougar on there sometime this evening :) was it that i didnt have permissions to it?

Although Core Member do have access to add vehicles to the garage, the forum wasn't allowing it, so i've made you a registered user and a core member. It seems like the registered user is the ticket, although it should have worked the other way too.
ah right. core members are renegades am i correct? it would be cool if anyone with a car could add their vehicle to it. but that way it would fill up with loads of spam cars people just feel like posting... because if there was a way to stop all the spam but let anyone post their cars onto it, it could be a way of meeting people at shows etc and maybe get them into the club?
You can only add a car is you are a member of the forum, the spam members are sorted on the signing up to the forum. So everyone who is on here is free to add a vehicle. We should have more in there.
ah right. it would be cool if we had everyoens cars on there. would be like a virtual version of wheels day XD
Yep, your right. Would be great to have all the club cars in there. Maybe it looks to dawnting for some people. I reckon if Jan puts her car on there then others will follow, as if Jan can do it then anyone can :Rasberry:. Jan has been getting very good on the computer recently.
like i said, i will post the cougar on there tonight. i think my Pug would be an embarresment to the club XD
I have been teaching mum everything she knows so she can look at more on the forum. She is getting very good and not scared to look at new things now so she may well add Colin.
I was gonna add Bazza but i think i would take over the complete section with all what he has had done lately. When i get 5 minutes i may look into it and add them both.
is it also like an update thing aswell then? to tell everyone how the car is getting on?
Yep, a simple way to update progress to let people what you are doing to your ride. How things are going etc... We can also use the blog section for this too.
Thanks for pointing that out. The Garage section was V3.0.7, its now been upgraded to V3.0.8, which has cured the problem.
hi dan im havin same prob as lunty did cant load van onto garage ???? any ways of fixing it??
hi dan im havin same prob as lunty did cant load van onto garage ???? any ways of fixing it??

I see you got your van in the garage. Is there another you wanted to add? if so let me know year, make and model, and I'll add it to the drop down lists to make sure its there.
I've reported a problem which may be linked. I may edit the code myself if I don't hear anything back. I've asked for fuel records to be in litres but economy to be in miles per gallon. Even though we put in the figures in gallons I think to goes to US gallons instead of imperial gallon. The difference of 3.8 to 4.54 litres per gallon.
On that fill up to done 60 miles on 3.2 gallons which is about 18mpg.

Hopefully when I get the units sorted it could be a nice little tool.
Looking at the code I think I can do it. Tinkering around for a couple of hours should do it. Distance is stored in KM in the database, and fuel is in gallons as its read from the database it gets converted to miles and the fuel gets converted to whats in the preferences.
I think I'll hard code it not to read from preferences. Always in miles and fill up in litres, and display MPG.
Keep filling up as you are, you may need to edit the records afterwards. I'll get this sorted. :)
That would be the better way of doing it as at the moment I keep my defaults on gallons, input my data, switch the default to litres (kpl) and edit the liters I put in the tank, then switch back to gallons. Another thing I've noticed while doing this is that the cost doesn't get calculated, for example when I first input my figures it's in gallons and I set the cost to ?1.339 (or whatever it is at the time) which is the cost in litres; when I switch to litres the cost is the same whereas it should divide by 4.54 for the correct ? per litre based on what is being input is supposed to be in ? per gallon.

I think it would be better if the developers sorted it out as otherwise you'd have to re-code it each time they produced an update; or just don't update ;)