Not really a rant, as a generally 'pissed me off'
As a usual Sunday tradition I took Clarissa and Jamie out for a drive about (in the transit), looking for vehicles sat in gardens and driveways going to waste, a couple of times I have noticed an old XJS sat in someones yard, so today I thought 'bugger it', and went and knocked on the door, the guy that answered was terribly helpful and said the car belonged to a neighbour and sent me round to see the guy. As I approached the door of the slightly decrepit house I noticed a familiar shape lurking in the overgrown garden.
This is the point where anybody with a nervous disposition, or generally weak heart etc should look away, as this is going to get NASTY!!
The shape I saw in the garden was that of a First Generation Mustang, looked to have been a bright red in colour, but had obviously been there many years.
I knocked on the door, and a gentleman answered, after a brief conversation he agreed to let me take the XJS for a bargain price, when I mentioned the 'Old Ford' he simply said that back in the 80's he bought a few american vehicles, most of which went to the scrap yard, apparently he kept the mustang to use as a chicken shed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did offer to unbury the car and try to source someone who would take it on as a project, but he seemed dead against it.
Will keep trying......