Time to have a rant!!

I know this may upset a couple of people on here, but I would today like to have a little Rant about Couriers......

I am today stuck in the parents house because I am waiting for a courier to come and collect a parcel, simple task that is my problem is in the fact that the courier will be here some when between 7 and 8, by that I mean 7AM and 8PM!! And this is possibly the most boring place to be stuck at.
They must know roughly the route they will be taking to at least give you am/pm. a 13 hour window is a bit vague. I can imagine it would be very frustrating.
tell me bout it same as those people after we've been open from 7a.m. still come in a 5.25 with a bloody great list . HELLO been open for ten hours already and have home to go to to arrrrrrrrrrrhhh
bet u will an all
Forgive me Father for it has been 2 weeks since my last Rant!!

Today's rant is being kept in my head as it contains many bad bad words and bad bad thoughts that it would be unfare to share with those of a sensitive nature.

Speak to you all again soon when I have cooled down!!
OK I have calmed down a bit now, basically I found out last night that my friend's wife was driving down the road and saw a young lady being harassed by a bloke, Liz took her chances and stopped and got the girl into her car, there were other people in the street, but they were just ignoring the girls screams.
Coming to something when it takes a 5ft mother of 3 to save the day, and possibly the girl's life!!
Thats dreadful that no one else helped out. Thank goodness your friend's wife was brave enough to stop though. These days you just don't want to take a chance in fear of a knife or gun being drawn on you but i reckon i would stop too if someone was in danger but maybe call police as back up.

Anyways i have a rant and its about our good friends DVLA. Just got a letter or should i say UNTAXED VEHICLE WARNING (thats how the letter is headed in big black letters) saying that Bazza was seen going along the A2030 on 15/04/12. Eh yes he was on his way to our show. However they are saying that he is sorn of the road and shouldn't be used. We taxed him the week before and now i feel like a criminal that we did something wrong. The fact he was used to go and get MOT done and then a trip to the garage to have a quote done for new transmission without any tax is rather funny though!!! Anyways i will be calling them Monday to put them straight. A new mum who has had no proper sleep in 3 weeks is not one to be messed with Grrrrrrr!!!
Not really a rant, as a generally 'pissed me off'

As a usual Sunday tradition I took Clarissa and Jamie out for a drive about (in the transit), looking for vehicles sat in gardens and driveways going to waste, a couple of times I have noticed an old XJS sat in someones yard, so today I thought 'bugger it', and went and knocked on the door, the guy that answered was terribly helpful and said the car belonged to a neighbour and sent me round to see the guy. As I approached the door of the slightly decrepit house I noticed a familiar shape lurking in the overgrown garden.

This is the point where anybody with a nervous disposition, or generally weak heart etc should look away, as this is going to get NASTY!!

The shape I saw in the garden was that of a First Generation Mustang, looked to have been a bright red in colour, but had obviously been there many years.

I knocked on the door, and a gentleman answered, after a brief conversation he agreed to let me take the XJS for a bargain price, when I mentioned the 'Old Ford' he simply said that back in the 80's he bought a few american vehicles, most of which went to the scrap yard, apparently he kept the mustang to use as a chicken shed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did offer to unbury the car and try to source someone who would take it on as a project, but he seemed dead against it.

Will keep trying......
I'd imagine the fastback would make a good chicken coop ;)

Good find on the XJS though, does it need much work?

Trace, don't worry about the DVLA, they are renowned for making a pigs ear of anything. Just have a look on watchdog, they've had thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of complaints about the DVLA getting information wrong, not sending reminders, basically making a hash of a lot of things. They're trying to screw my dad over at the moment for my original motorbike not being registered as sorn. It's been off the road since the end of 2007, no reminders had been sent by the DVLA, so we couldn't do anything as according to the DVLA, the only way you can sorn something is with the renewal sheet that they send you. The DVLA are a joke.
This is gonna sound a bit hipocritical, but I would today like to have a whinge about someone driving a Mitsubishi Pajero!! The little b****** pulled out in front of me, missing my Pajero by only a couple of metres, I chased him at a reasonable speed for about 4 miles, then found him outside the shops in East Wittering. When confronted he says 'It wasn't me, been parked here for the last half hour'!! What a Pri**!!
Should have called his bluff and said you have a camera in your car and you have him recorded on it.
not had any ranting for a while so here goes
this ones directed at ford Southampton. Dearest esteemed van manufacturer could you find it in your heart to stop dipping all of your transit body shells in salt before you spray them? Oh and can you stop the front wheel drive thing. Every one knows rear wheel drive is superior lasts longer and is also safer and a fu&& site easier to repair.
not had any ranting for a while so here goes
this ones directed at ford Southampton. Dearest esteemed van manufacturer could you find it in your heart to stop dipping all of your transit body shells in salt before you spray them? Oh and can you stop the front wheel drive thing. Every one knows rear wheel drive is superior lasts longer and is also safer and a fu&& site easier to repair.

As a fellow Ford Transit owner who spends half the year welding up the things I am inclined to agree with you whole heartedly, as for the front wheel drive things, they should be shot for that.

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