Back in June the passenger door on the Vette stopped locking with the central locking but it was still unlocking ok. Then shortly after it stopped unlocking too.
I had been researching the best fix. It seemed as though the same black box that controls the door lock also did the heated door mirrors and electric window, but the relays (one each for unlock/lock) were the likely culprits.
So the options were:
1. Buy a 2nd hand unit off eBay.
2. Buy a reconditioned one off eBay.
3. Buy new
4. Take it apart and replace the relays.
Option 1 is 50/50. Apparently there are differences between years so an exact match to the drivers side is required or it still might not work or might cause other issues. And you don't know whether the relays are in failed state or not either.
Option 2 has the same issue with matching the drivers side and is more expensive.
Option 3 is recomended but buy both drivers and passenger together - 2nd mortgage anyone?
Option 4 was ?10 for four relays (2 spares) and take the box apart.
I went option 4. Took me a few hours to get the box out of the door, and take it to bits.
The relays are solid state and have many surface mount components very close on the board but after another couple of hours the relays are replaced.
And it all works perfectly!!! Yay.
My soldering skills are rusty, been many years since my electronics days.
Now just need to pull the car out the garage and get it back together but that's a job for tomorrow. Means we won't go to the Chichester show but as last week was full time study with the last ITIL exam at the end I'm knackered anyway!
Some pictures in various states: