Terms and Conditions
All applicants please CAREFULLY read the following conditions By applying you are accepting them in full with no exceptions!
1. All vehicles are accepted into Rushmoor Arena on condition that the show organisers cannot be held responsible for exhibitors negligence involving damage or injury to vehicles, property or persons. Similarly for loss or theft of vehicles, property, contents and equipment.
2. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to ensure that all vehicles being driven within the show ground have a minimum third party insurance cover. Road traffic act rules apply on site.
3. Vehicles entering and leaving the show ground are restricted to a maximum of walking speed (approx. 4mph) and the minimum movement of vehicles is permitted during the show until after it finishes at 4pm.
4. NO DOGS ALLOWED! (except guide dogs and assistance dogs) Anyone who brings a dog/dogs to the show will be refused entry (including those who have registered and have a pass to the show field/arena) No entry will be permitted and no refunds will be issued! You have been warned.
5. The riding of motor cycles, quads, push bikes etc. on the show ground is strictly forbidden at any time (disabled vehicles may be allowed at the discretion of the show organisers).
6. The show organisers reserve the right to remove person or persons from the site who is considered to have contravened the regulations and could result in a ban for the individual/club/trader from future Surrey Street Rodders events.
7. All persons must comply with the marshals instructions.
8. All vehicles must hold a current M.O.T certificate (if applicable) and relevant insurance. By signing this form the entrant warrants agreement of the above and confirms that any vehicle and the driver thereof is so covered and that the driver holds a current driving licence of the appropriate class.
9. Completion of this application form does not guarantee acceptance due to the limitation of exhibit space. All entries are entirely at the discretion of the organisers.