Well on the 19th of March the start of the driveway alterations will start to happen.
At present the car fits on it fine, and if I keep the car to the right i can get the wheelie bin past it.

However the driveway has sunk a bit over the years and its very uneven causing the car to scrape every-time I take it in and out. I have placed broken bricks to drive over to reduce the scrapes.
As you can see there is a rough wall on the right, which i have managed to avoid. This wall will be knocked down and the drive will be made about double width. A wooden fence will be put up as wood is a little more forgiving if you open your door onto it.

The blue line is our garden boundry. The orange line is the proposed driveway. The drive way will just be concrete, I know bricks and that can look nice, but my aim is to jack the car up on it where ever I want, concrete is easy to clean. It will be made up of 3 thick slabs with expansion areas.
This is the first step towards widening the garage, at least we can get one more car off the road, it will be easier to roll back Sarahs car out of the garage and have a play. You can see the garage in the google aerial shot in front of the transam, so that will go to double width.
At present the car fits on it fine, and if I keep the car to the right i can get the wheelie bin past it.

However the driveway has sunk a bit over the years and its very uneven causing the car to scrape every-time I take it in and out. I have placed broken bricks to drive over to reduce the scrapes.
As you can see there is a rough wall on the right, which i have managed to avoid. This wall will be knocked down and the drive will be made about double width. A wooden fence will be put up as wood is a little more forgiving if you open your door onto it.

The blue line is our garden boundry. The orange line is the proposed driveway. The drive way will just be concrete, I know bricks and that can look nice, but my aim is to jack the car up on it where ever I want, concrete is easy to clean. It will be made up of 3 thick slabs with expansion areas.
This is the first step towards widening the garage, at least we can get one more car off the road, it will be easier to roll back Sarahs car out of the garage and have a play. You can see the garage in the google aerial shot in front of the transam, so that will go to double width.