They do look nice, I keep going back to them and drooling over the picture.
If I order the leads, I will be getting some new coil packs too. MSD made themselves known for ignition stuff. My coil packs have done over 180k miles, how many times have the fired, lol. Well although no signs of then being at fault. Its probably time for a fresh set. $600

MSD Ignition's Multiple Spark Coils (MSC) will fit in place of the stock GM LS coils and connect directly to the factory connectors. Once installed, you'll have the power and performance of higher energy sparks, crowned with MSD's multiple spark discharge. Increased spark energy and voltage, along with multiple spark capabilities, help improve the combustion process of the fuel mixture to create an efficient burn. This results in improved throttle response, smooth idle and quick starts, plus increased high rpm performance!
Fuel injectors are 42lb/hr @ 43 PSI, so almost 60lb/hr at fuel rail pressure, this should be good enough for all the power I can produce from this engine. However they are around 10 years old now. Perhaps time for a new set of flow matched ones...
$400 for a new set. I'm happy with racetronics, and happy to use them same again, and perhaps go a little bigger.
98-02 LS1 Racetronix High-Z Siemens FLow Macthed Fuel Injectors - 63 lb/hr @ 43 psi.
Dynamically flowed and grouped to within 1% tolerance using Racetronix custom injector flow bench when purchased in packs. All tests run with n-Heptane @ 20oC (+/-1oC), 3.0 Bar (+/-0.01 Bar), 14VDC (+/-0.05VDC), saturated driver with RC cutoff.
Injector flow rates are based on testing with n-Heptane test solvent (0.6855 g/ml). U.S. EPA emission test gasoline 40CFR86.113 (0.735g/ml) flows in most common injector designs at about a 3 to 4% higher rate than n-Heptane. A ratio of 1.035:1 can be used when converting the flow specifications above.
This high-impedance injector will work with all factory ECM/PCM injector drivers.