Had a ticking noise form my car since going over some wild speed humps for a charity event at a school. So finally got the car up in the air, well on bricks, jacked up a little with my short range jack. I see the problem.
One bolt missing.

So popped in a new stainless steel bolt. Waiting for the rusty one to snap and I'll change that one too. you wouldn't think the exhaust is stainless. Well its not rusty, just not pretty.
Anyway, all 4 bolts there are good and tight. Started up the car, the ticking noise still there. Trying to locate it, its in the engine bay and underneath. Perhaps the other side needs looking at, but not so easy at the mo, maybe tomorrow. However I'm starting to think the notice is more major than and exhaust leak. Performance doesn't seem to be effected, I was thinking a bent push rod. The car has stalled a few times while decelerating towards a junction if I'm not quick enough with a 3 foot dance. However if air getting in the exhaust then it could well cut out due to fuel mixture.
What is my concern at the moment, if its crank related, oil pressure has swung from 20psi to 80psi and bouncing between the two quite quick, perhaps the sensor playing up, perhaps oil pump, perhaps crank has spun a bearing. hummm, awful thoughts going through my mind at the moment.