What have you done to your vehicle today?

Not done anything yet, but have a long list. Starting (for simplicity reasons) with the radio.

Has anyone dealt with the chinese Android units? I'm looking at this:
My boss has bought units from AliExpress for his old Range Rover and his current Porsche and says they work great. The only thing I want to add to it is DAB radio - anyone know how easy/impossible that is?
On the 5th gen mustang you have to modify a bit of wiring. Can't make out what gen your mustang is you might just need to buy the correct plug and play adaptor harness keep thread updated with this others might need help as well 👍
New harmonic balancer pulley had some discolouration on it.
So giving it a polish before I fit.
400grit done. I have a way to go until I get to 7000 grit. Mirror finish then lacquer, and no one will see it. Lol.


The current pulley on there has some bits missing from the outer edge. It's also friction fit
The crank I have from the stroker kit takes a Woodruff key, and so can this new pulley so I have one of those to fit.
Ordered some parts. My current intake has a 78mm opening. The new has 102mm. This will help it breath a bit better and will certainly compliment the 383stroker kit that's already fitted.
Polish worked out well, 240, 320, 400, 800, 1000, 1500 then 3000 grit.

Gave it a coat of clear coat

Not fitted yet, removing the radiator will make it easier to give space for the puller. Only two pipes, not too much work.
Dad's car dacia duster 1.5dci had the engine light come and couple of other lights on dash board and engine running poor.
Plugged 1 scan tool in right rear speaker fault only plugged another scan tool in injector no. 2 fault. 260 quid for 1 injector lucky it came out very easy plugged in scan tool loads of faults reset engine sound sweat now
Had to go and help a mate with there vw turrag suv thing it's a hard life when the only car you can drive due to others sorn or broken I had to take the TA it got a bit dirty. The turrag thing all sorted apart from a rat had got inside and chewed a cable in the boot. And had to replace injector in dad's car dacia duster lucky it came out easily but 266 quid later for 1 injector