Well been working on things in the garden, so started to create a blog. It may be interesting reading. The main thing is to try to generate new stuff on the website.
All the wood ordered yesterday, Window ordered too. Will be collecting it in my lunch break. It's one they had going cheap that was made the correct side for a customer. Its around 1.2mx1.2m which is a little taller than I wanted, originally wanted 800mm. So Just checked the size on the drawing of the shed, and it will work. My desk height will be the same height as the window ledge. So all should work out well by the looks of it.
good luck with warrenty it's a pain, but once out of warrenty anything that is sutible or better slighty more power rating as phillips on the stuff i worked on tend to run transformers to the max run under max and they perform much better.
Moved the wood delivery to Thursday, weather prediction is dry for Thursday, well so is Friday, but it gives me an extra day to get started before the season opener.
I got it from Goodwillies, don't know where they get it from. Tounge and Groove has 'Neno' stammped on the end of it.
Was chatting to the Goodwillies driver, he was off to Southampton, and done some in Aldershot yesterday. So them seem to cover a fairly large area.