Core Member
No problem. I'll have to dig it out and check it still works. It hasn't been used for years.May need to borrow that pump. We will try to keep it covered once the pit is put in. Even tarpaulin over the metal beams would help.
No problem. I'll have to dig it out and check it still works. It hasn't been used for years.May need to borrow that pump. We will try to keep it covered once the pit is put in. Even tarpaulin over the metal beams would help.
Well they are down 4ft now. A few more measuments and it will be time to lower the pit in. Weather that will be done today, or more work on the roof. I guess it all depends on the weather.More grave digging today????
That would fill the garage up. That detail is awesome.
Sounds like you may need an extension doorbell for the garage Dan? Lol Or maybe even a camera intercom??Just had a delivery from the post man.
I heard the dogs barking, but thought they just heard a dog going past. I was in the garage lending a hand with the pit. It must have been the postman ringing the doorbell which set the dogs off. Anyway, he came around the side gate, and ask is this still number 2. lol. I guess it does look like I'm having a house built in the garden, but yep, its still number 2. Perhaps I should call it 2A for deliveries. lol.
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I love model railways and will probably take it up as a hobby when I retire. I have nowehere to put one at the moment unfortunately. Thanks for offering it on here though mateI'm seriously thinking of taking it if no-one else wants it. It's far too good to scrap. I've already worked out a way to cut it into three separate bits to move.