That's a good point re preventing the sides of the pit from bowing in from the pressure of the concrete. As I may have mentioned before, it may try to float on the concrete and will probably have to be held down somehow lol.
Nice clean tidy work site, lol, what options you going for to get covers out each time you want to use pit ? recessed D handles finger holes rope handles all of the above???
That's a good point re preventing the sides of the pit from bowing in from the pressure of the concrete. As I may have mentioned before, it may try to float on the concrete and will probably have to be held down somehow lol.
The plan is to use the weight of the digger to hold it down, now with the cover we can place the bucket attached to the digger on it. The concrete pour will be mixed in the mixer(rather than a lorry) and may do just half one day and the other half another day.
Nice clean tidy work site, lol, what options you going for to get covers out each time you want to use pit ? recessed D handles finger holes rope handles all of the above???
Work site a lot tiderier now, the floor has dried out in many places so got the brush out this morning. Also done a general tidy around. Great being able to safely walk over the pit.
Not sure on handle design for removing the cover. It will be in 3 or 4 sections. Also the rubber/plastic floor I'm going foor will also go over the pit cover so you wont even know the pit is there. I did initually think rope handles. Even if it just on one, as once you lift one up, you can grab the edge of the next.
I have 2 double sockets in the pit. The other one was already wired, I done that months ago. This one connects everything. 4 armoured cables coming in. One to the other socket, one for each light and power in.
All wired and front put on.
Gave the pit a bit more of a wipe over. Power towels on the floor to dry up the last little bits. The sides were damp due to water trying to evaporate but can't escape with the boards on the top. So I have popped a pallet at one end so air can pass but I can't fall in.
Does feel creepy sitting under the covered end.
A little more cleaning to do another day. It's coming up very nice.
I would park the Camaro over the pit to catch any deteriating parts that are likely to fall off. Then you could stand in the pit and glue them back on again.
I would park the Camaro over the pit to catch any deteriating parts that are likely to fall off. Then you could stand in the pit and glue them back on again.
Another item I need to look into it making hot water from a cold feed using electric. Dosn't have to be hot hot, just for washing hands in the sink. Already have the sink from the old kitchen. Preferably a unit that sits under the sink. Much like a shower. I've seen things for over £600 but that crazy as you can but a cheap shower for £100 and pretty much contains all I need.