Garage Plans

Updated progress photos from the start of today. Looks like its going to be a nice sunny day. So progress should be good.
Good progress yesterday, wall higher in the right hand corner.
Bricks moved from the drive into the garden. Inside the garage area cleared ready to put rubble on the drive.
Looking good (y)
Have they started excavating for the pit yet? It's difficult to see but it doesn't look like it in that picture.
Looking good (y)
Have they started excavating for the pit yet? It's difficult to see but it doesn't look like it in that picture.
No excavating of the pit area yet.

Their plan is to concrete fill the whole floor(excluding the pit area) then dig out the pit hole.
The concern is if the pit was excavated and the concrete fill had a misshap there would be a hole filled with concrete. The pit area has been boarded off to create the shape needed for the pit.
No excavating of the pit area yet.

Their plan is to concrete fill the whole floor(excluding the pit area) then dig out the pit hole.
The concern is if the pit was excavated and the concrete fill had a misshap there would be a hole filled with concrete. The pit area has been boarded off to create the shape needed for the pit.
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Got it. I guess that's the most logical way to do it really. I bet the pit hole won't take long with the mini digger once the main floor is laid and set. I expect you'll be needing to get on with wiring up the pit electrics pretty soon?
Pit electrics are pretty much done, all the external wiring is complete. I just need to wire up one last socket. Sealed the cable entries too ready for the concrete pour.

Been making a hole to get the utilities outside, i need 3 x 30mm holes. Drilling a pilot hole with this 21 inch drill bit.

This drill bit only just made it outside as went at a 40 degree angle.


Came out 16 inches below ground.


Just gotta do this 2 more times now. I will make the angle shallower, as its doesn't need to come out that far below ground if its covered with concrete.
OK, all good re the pit wiring then.
What's the plan for the wiring? I fitted a dedicated MCB breaker in the house for the garage supply that feeds an SWA cable (steel wired armour) outside to a separate consumer unit in the garage. That obviously has it's own separate MCB protected feeds for the garage power and lighting etc. Glad you've managed to get a route out of the house through the wall. That can be a challenge.
You'll probably have to drop a conduit down the wall from where the garage consumer unit will be, then under the concrete and across to the pit. As I mentioned the other day, maybe you could have a switch on the wall to isolate the pit power in one hit?
There will be 2.5mm2 SWA from the pit to a switch on the wall, then 2.5mm to the fuse box, this will be on its own 10A MCB breaker in the fuse box in the garage. reason for only 2.5mm is that I'm only going to plug in lights or maybe a phone charger. If welding needs to be done, the welder would be plugged into a socket from the wall with more available current.

The I managed to get another hold through the wall tonight, just the pilot hole, need to widen it to 30mm. then another hole after that. One for Water, one for mains, one for network conduit.

The 16mm2 SWA mains cable to the garage will go though the outer bricks of the garage and up the cavity to the fuse board on the wall.
All sounds fair enough. The only other thing you might want to plug in down the pit might be an angle grinder. The average 115mm one is up to about 750W which is just over 3A, so no problem there. I think a 2.5 twin and earth is rated up to about 27A if I remember rightly. If Glenn knows what your cable runs are, he will probably advise when to lay them in.
Today's progress photo.
16mm 3 core dan ?? what you have to back the cable up from the house ?
16mm 3 core dan ?? what you have to back the cable up from the house ?
16mm2, twin & earth should provide more than enough current for the garage.

I'm not sure what your question is Darren.
Looking good Dan.
Saleen -You got the stutters again as you keep posting twice lolol
16mm T, E the CPC is under sized for a submain for a garage thought you were using swa from house to garage. The earthing requirements state in reg bs7671 earthing same size or one size under supply cable size using 3 core swa meats this requirement you will need to run a separate a separate earth cable with the twin and earth cable..
You need to get it right Dan. You don’t want some building inspector to discover it or it get picked up if you sell so that you have to get indemnity insurance.
16mm T, E the CPC is under sized for a submain for a garage thought you were using swa from house to garage. The earthing requirements state in reg bs7671 earthing same size or one size under supply cable size using 3 core swa meats this requirement you will need to run a separate a separate earth cable with the twin and earth cable..
I did say in post #148 that it's 16mm2 SWA. I brought the cable you recommended. This will be about 2ft deep to the garage, even by the door where its under concrete. Also I'm not connecting the two ends. If Darren dosn't come down I'll use the same electrictian that commissioned the previous electrical changes to the house.
I read in post 154 twin and earth so I question it. I know we spoke about and had a plan for the electrical work. Snowing here in mid Wales at mo only little white specs at mo.
Should of timed it with a car event wen we stay down both swmnbo could of gone shopping and us workers got the bacon eggs sandwiches going and 2nd fixed all the electrics my electrical supervisor popped over yesterday as needed some parts out of van saw my garage very jealous apart from he is a biker not a car man.
Us workers got the bacon eggs sandwiches going and 2nd fixed all the electrics my electrical supervisor popped over yesterday as needed some parts out of van saw my garage very jealous apart from he is a biker not a car man.
Yep that can be arranged.

Dug more of the trench by hand. Wanted to dig enough to put in the roll of cable, and water pipe rolled up. Then the digger can continue the trench down the garden. The cable has been fed under the floor and comes up by the fuse box with excess to play with.
Base going in.

Have they put the square rear bar metal in?