My Nova

Haha, I guess they're just waving because they like the sound :whistling:

I did think it strange when a guy in a truck wound down his window to hear the car, I'm sure he could hear it fine with the window up :lol:
Yay thats great news boys. We all dread the horrid MOT but at least you know alls ok for another year.
Mine past on the 15th April, but not driven it due to waiting for parts. Looks like many of us are good for another year now.
The Nova's back on the road after replacing the carb's float, this one doesn't sink and flood the intake manifold :D Now looks like I need a new fan as the clutch unit on mine has become wobbly and started making noises. I can get a new clutch from the states for ?40 (?17 of that is for the part grrrr) or just get an electric fan. Looks like my old fan wasn't working properly too, as it should have had a heat sensitive coil on the back which was missing so it may not have been putting the maximum amount of air through anyway. Whatever I do I need to order it today so it can be fitted saturday so it's ready for the tunnel run... and club night :)
Hope you get it sorted Darren. Sadly I don't have an spare electric fans about. Looking forward to hearing the purple hornies in the tunnel.
I've just ordered a replacement viscous clutch from Rock Auto, so I'll be sticking with the mechanical fan for now. May bolt an electric fan to the front of the radiator for traffic queues, but I'll need to remove the air con rad first. Don't worry, I'll definitely be in that tunnel :D

Btw, heard then saw you yesterday going up the hill towards the shell garage. Knew it was you before I saw the car :lol:
Btw, heard then saw you yesterday going up the hill towards the shell garage. Knew it was you before I saw the car :lol:

Yeah that was probably me. I nipped to the post office quickly before last collection, parked in Asda. Saw the queue when I came out of asda to go up the road towards the Heroes and decided to go the long way down Stakes road.
You are probably wondering why I didn't exit from that side of the Asda car park. Well it the darn speed humps that I cant get over.
here you go Darren i dun this a long time ago and forgot to show you it lol
I do like what you have done with it Darren. Getting lower at the front. Nice editing skills there.I was looking at that for a while, thinking I can see the angle of the car has changed, the wheels are in the same place. the back looks like its in the same place, then noticed its been moved down at the front, and you pipped in some brickwork at the top and edited the front of the board. Nice work.

Hope you get the leak sorted soon, and the temporary fix works until then.